Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hi Friends, Welcome

Hi friends. I have been reading my friend Ben Allens blog for a good long while now and while i was in the shower i decided to start writing my own. Let me apologize for the bad spelling and run on sentences i realy dont care about that kind of stuff as long as you can understand what i am trying to say. I dont intend on this being a super exciting blog, more just whats on my mind and what i feel like writing, it will most likly consist of things i thought about while in the shower, music , things that are bothering me, family, living in the suburbs, movies i like or dont like, basicly anything. First let me say me say that if you have never had a beer in the shower you should give it a shot. there is something about being inthe shower that makes my mind wander. maybe its being free of distraction, or the beer or the warmth. whatever it is i come up with more music and thoughts in the shower than anytime outside. so i cant promise anything outstanding but i hope you stop by from time to time to check out my stuff.



  1. Excellent first blog, my friend. Excellent! Drinking beer in the shower is one of the finer things in life, it's true. Now keep 'em coming!

  2. P.S. isn't getting comments a lot of fun? It's like receiving letters in the mail when you were a kid!
